Wisconsin ASCD
Wisconsin Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (WASCD) is a state affiliate to ASCD. Our nonprofit organization represents all aspects of public and nonpublic education from the classroom to the boardroom, from early childhood education through the university levels. While some organizations represent specific or singular interests in education, Wisconsin ASCD’s membership is broader and more encompassing.
Contact Us!
office@wascd.org304 Kaphaem Road, Tomahawk, WI 54487715-453-2142FacebookTwitterASCD Affiliates
Come together with other educators around shared interests to shape learning; form professional partnerships; and propel student learning. As geographically based educator groups, ASCD Affiliates give you the opportunity to explore and influence state and local education issues.
We Know What Works
We know how Wisconsin children learn based on over 50 years of evidence from educators in all job roles. Our professional association prides itself on our in-depth knowledge of best educational practices. We care about what is good for kids, and when it comes to education, we can provide insight and knowledge to help improve education for all learners.
We Want to Help
Wisconsin ASCD is a state affiliate of ASCD, one of the largest education associations worldwide. We share research and evidence-based information and perspectives. Contact us to discuss education issues and policy or to get trusted information on education. We are Wisconsin educators, we know what works and we want to help.