Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

Wis­con­sin ASCD, edu­ca­tional lead­ers advo­cat­ing effec­tive poli­cies and prac­tices to achieve suc­cess for each learner.

Vision Statement

WASCD is Wisconsin’s forum for engag­ing diverse com­mu­ni­ties. We are a trusted voice advo­cat­ing for excel­lence in learn­ing, teach­ing, and lead­er­ship . Our orga­ni­za­tion is respon­sive to the ever chang­ing needs of soci­ety and is focused on achiev­ing suc­cess for each learner.

Equity Statement

WASCD continues to focus on ensuring equity in education.

Every Wisconsin student has a fundamental right to an equal opportunity for a sound basic education. An equal opportunity for a sound basic education has been defined by the Wisconsin Supreme Court as "one that will equip students for their roles as citizens and enable them to succeed economically and personally," Vincent v. Voight, 236 Wis. 2d 588, 614 N.W.29 388 (2000).

The Wisconsin State Constitution (Article X, § 3)

Educational equity means that every student has access to the resources and educational rigor they need at the right moment in their education, across race, gender, ethnicity, language, ability, sexual orientation, family background, and/or family income.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction


WASCD rec­og­nizes the power and respon­si­bil­ity of edu­ca­tional lead­er­ship. We believe:

  • Each indi­vid­ual has the right to a safe, car­ing and respect­ful learn­ing environment.

  • Effec­tive edu­ca­tors are those who con­tinue to develop professionally.

  • Shared val­ues, com­mon goals, and account­abil­ity focus the efforts of the learn­ing community.

  • Hon­or­ing diver­sity strength­ens the learn­ing community.

  • Col­lab­o­ra­tion is fun­da­men­tal to effec­tive education.

  • Orga­ni­za­tional lead­er­ship requires advo­cacy for effec­tive poli­cies and prac­tices at the class­room, school, dis­trict, state and fed­eral levels.

WASCD also rec­og­nizes the poten­tial and needs of each learner. We believe:

  • Equal access to high qual­ity edu­ca­tion is imperative.

  • Each indi­vid­ual has the abil­ity and the need to learn.

  • Each indi­vid­ual is a unique learner.

  • Life­long learn­ers engage the future.

Strategic Goals and Planning

Coming Soon!

Approved by the WASCD Board of Direc­tors, June 24, 2021