2025 Fall Conference

Save the date: October 16-17, 2025

The Ingleside Hotel

2810 Golf Road
Pewaukee WI  53072

Reservations for overnight stays can be made by calling 262.547.0201 and saying you are with the WASCD 2025 Fall Conference.

Reservations can also be made online using this link.

New Registration System Announcement & Instructions

WASCD will no longer be utilizing the MyQuickReg registration system as it will no longer be in operation after June 30, 2024. All WASCD events will now be set up in our new registration system, Neon One, starting on July 1, 2024. 

We encourage all users to set up their Neon One account prior to July 1st for a smooth transition. Account creation only takes a few minutes and will help streamline the event registration process down the road. 

To create a Neon One account, please:

    1. Fill in and submit the Account Registration Form by clicking here*

    2. Check your email for the confirmation and to set up a password and access your account 

*Please note that the link above will take you to the CESA 9 Neon One homepage. WASCD is partnering with CESA 9 to streamline this new registration system, so you are in the correct place.

If you need assistance with the account registration process, please contact us by email office@wascd.org.

We thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition process and we look forward to another year of being able to serve you! 

WASCD Conference Rates & Registration:

Early Bird Pricing (before July 31, 2025)

Regular Pricing (after July 31, 2025)

Registration Opens Soon!

Tentative Schedule:

Thursday, October 16th

7:30-9:00 - Registration

8:00-8:45 - "0" Hour Sessions

9:00-10:30 - Keynote Workshop Part I

Vendor Break

10:50-11:50 - Breakout Session I

11:50-12:50 - Lunch Provided

12:50-1:50 - Breakout Session II

Vendor Break

2:10-2:30 - WASCD General Session & Instructional Leader of the Year Announcement

2:30-3:30 - Keynote Workshop Part II

3:45-6:00 - The Famous WASCD Social (Live music, raffles, appetizers, cash bar)

Friday, October 17th

7:30-8:00 - Annual Membership Meeting (Optional)

7:30-8:30 - Breakfast and Registration

8:30-9:30 - Breakout III

Vendor Break

9:50-11:15 - Closing Keynote

Lunch on October 17th and Breakfast on October 18th are included in the registration cost.

Sessions & Descriptions

October 16th: "0 Hour" Session ~ Curriculum Focus

October 16th: "0 Hour" Session ~ Leadership Focus

October 16th: "0 Hour" Session ~ Instructional Practices Focus)

October 16th: Keynote Workshop - Tom Murray

October 16th: Breakout Session I ~ Curriculum Focus 

October 16th: Breakout Session I ~ Leadership Focus 

In today's ever-evolving educational landscape, the ability to foster a culture that prioritizes collaboration, reflection, and continuous improvement is more crucial than ever. Learning walks serve as a powerful leadership practice that can transform traditional classroom observations and feedback into dynamic, growth-focused adult learning experiences for all educators. Explore how learning walks can identify strengths, areas for development, and opportunities for collaboration, all while fostering an open dialogue about teaching and learning. By observing and discussing teaching strategies, educators can reflect on their practices in a supportive environment. This encourages a mindset of growth and continuous improvement. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from experienced leaders who will share their insights and best practices, making this session not just informative but also profoundly impactful. Get involved and lead the charge in transforming your educational environment with learning walks—let's elevate our teaching and enhance student outcomes together!


October 16th: Breakout Session I ~ Instructional Practices Focus 

October 16th: Breakout Session I ~ General Focus 

Blank stares. Polite smiles. Active resistance and pushback ... you've seen it all. And although you've read all the "How to have tough conversations" books, you still haven't been able to crack the code on how to give feedback that every teacher will not only welcome, but immediately implement. In this interactive session, discover the biggest feedback mistakes leaders make, and learn how to give honest feedback to teachers without causing resistance, hurt feelings, or downright apathy. Find out what you must do differently when giving feedback to struggling teachers versus proficient teachers and how you have to adjust your feedback to meet the needs of master teachers. You'll walk away with specific tools and examples you can use to plan your own feedback with the teachers you support so that you can help every teacher you serve show tangible growth this school year.

October 16th: Breakout Session II ~ Curriculum Focus 

October 16th: Breakout Session II ~ Leadership Focus

October 16th: Breakout Session II ~ Instructional Practices Focus 

October 16th: Breakout Session II ~ General Focus 

October 16th: Keynote Workshop Part 2 - Tom Murray


The Famous WASCD Social!
October 16th: 3:45-6:00 PM

This is where instructional leaders network!
Enjoy live music, appetizers, great company and a cash bar.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to mingle with our vendors in this relaxed setting.

October 17th: Breakout Session III ~ Curriculum Focus

October 17th: Breakout Session III ~ Leadership Focus

October 17th: Breakout Session III ~ Instructional Practices Focus

October 17th: Breakout Session III ~ Leadership Focus

October 17th: Closing Keynote -

Thank you to our 2024 Fall Conference Vendors!