WASCD Annual Meeting Agenda
Annual Business Meeting
October 18, 2024 ~ 7:30-8:00 AM
Oshkosh Waterfront Hotel and Conference Center ~ Oshkosh, WI
Oshkosh Waterfront Hotel and Conference Center ~ Oshkosh, WI
2024 Annual Membership Meeting
7:30am- Welcome- President, Ryan Ruggles
7:35- Approval of Meeting Agenda and Minutes (Action items)
Motion to approve agenda as posted, second, discussion
Motion to approve the 2023 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes (Found Below)
7:40- Treasures Report and Annual Budget - Treasurer, Kelly Ryder
Treasurer Report (Discussion item)
Motion to approve 2024-2025 WASCD Budget (Action item)
7:45- WASCD President’s Report- President, Ryan Ruggles (Discussion)
7:50- Annual ASCD Report- Executive Director, Maria Kucharski (Discussion)
Motion to Adjourn
A quorum of the WASCD Board of Directors may be present.
WASCD Annual Membership Meeting - Fall Conference
Friday October 20, 2023 7:30am
Hilton Garden Inn
7:30am- Welcome- President, Rob Meyer
7:35- Approval of Meeting Agenda and Minutes (Action items)
Motion to approve agenda as posted, second, discussion
Kelly Reicher moved to an open meeting. Kurt Kurzian second. Motion carried
Motion to approve the 2022 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes
Dave Grambow moved, Gayle Daniel second. Motion carried.
7:40- Treasures Report and Annual Budget - Treasurer, Gayle Daniel
Treasurer Report (Discussion item)
Gayle Daniel - Significant improvement. More events and more exhibitors. Increase in membership this year. $108,900 total income. Expenses out - $108.900. Budget is balanced.
Motion to approve 2023-2024 WASCD Budget (Action item)
Kate G moved to approve. Ryan Ruggles second. Motion carried
7:45- WASCD President’s Report- President, Rob Meyer (Discussion)
Thanked for everyone’s hard work. We’re working to have our offerings ready in late winter so we can have everything ready to share with districts by March.
7:50- Annual ASCD Report- Executive Director, Maria Kucharski (Discussion) Discussion of ASCD and ISTE merger. They’ll likely be doing some rebranding.
Motion to close the meeting. Kurt Kurzian moved, Kelly R seconded. Motion approved.
There are no proposed changes to policy, bylaws or new business at this time.
A quorum of the WASCD Board of Directors may be present.