WASCD Annual Meeting Agenda

Annual Business Meeting

October 18, 2024 ~ 7:30-8:00 AM
Oshkosh Waterfront Hotel and Conference Center ~ Oshkosh, WI

2024 Annual Membership Meeting

7:30am- Welcome- President,  Ryan Ruggles

7:35- Approval of Meeting Agenda and Minutes (Action items)

Motion to approve agenda as posted, second, discussion 

        Motion to approve the 2023 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes (Found Below)

7:40- Treasures Report and Annual Budget - Treasurer, Kelly Ryder

Treasurer Report (Discussion item) 

Motion to approve 2024-2025 WASCD Budget (Action item) 

7:45- WASCD President’s Report-  President, Ryan Ruggles (Discussion)

7:50- Annual ASCD Report- Executive Director, Maria Kucharski (Discussion)

Motion to Adjourn

A quorum of the WASCD Board of Directors may be present.

2024 Annual Meeting Minutes

WASCD Annual Membership Meeting  - Fall Conference 

Friday, October 18, 2024, 7:30am 

Oshkosh Waterfront Hotel and Convention Center

7:30am- Welcome- President,  Ryan Ruggles

Thank you to Torrie and Maria for all their hard work facilitating the conference.  

7:35- Approval of Meeting Agenda and Minutes (Action items)

Gayle D moved to approve former meeting minutes, Erin S seconded, Motion passed. 

Motion to approve the 2023 Annual Membership Meeting Minutes  

Motion to approve minute by Ann F. Seconded by Kelly R.  Motion passed. 

7:40- Treasures Report and Annual Budget - Treasurer, Kelly Ryder

Treasurer Report (Discussion item) 

Motion to approve 2024-2025 WASCD Budget (Action item) 

Kelly R shared the budget shared with the membership. Last year we were close to breaking even. Expect this year to do somewhat better. It should be noted that legal fees (rebranding work) will be an additional $5,000 budgeted item going forward.  

Motion to approve the budget made by Torrie R. Seconded by Katie G. Motion passed.

7:45- WASCD President’s Report-  President, Ryan Ruggles  

Ryan reiterated that we are instructional leaders for the state and we will keep this in mind as we plan future opportunities.  Feedback to Ryan has included work that can specifically support instructional coaches and their needs. Once we enact our rebrand it will be our mission to immediately push forward with our new brand to bring in more members - no lag time. 

7:50- Annual ASCD Report- Executive Director, Maria Kucharski  

Maria continuously liaises with ASCD as the affiliate programs “sunset”.  It should be noted that if one registers for ASCD/ISTE you become a voting member of the organization. They will be staying with their original branding in the immediate future.  In 2026 they will likely roll out a new brand at that time. They will also be combining the ASCD and ISTE conference for one national conference. The combined conference will take place at the end of June. Next year it will be in San Antonio. There is so much exciting work to be done in the next year and Maria will keep us informed of news as it occurs. 

Next board meeting will be in Stevens Point in December. Please send any agenda items you’d like included to Ryan. Please bring ideas for authors you’d like to see our organization collaborate with. We’ll have some team building after the meeting.  

Motion to Adjourn

Motion to adjourn made by Gayle D .  Seconded by Dave G.  Motion passed.  

Meeting adjourned.