Act 20
March 19, 2024 Update
We are taking a moment to share a tool recently published by DPI, created in collaboration with WASCD and other educators, that will support schools and districts in evaluating their curriculum and documenting how their resources meet the Act 20 definition of science-based early literacy instruction. The Early Literacy Crosswalk Tool has "Tool 1" which will support the school or district in analyzing their current or anticipated resources to determine if all necessary components are present. "Tool 2" is to be used once a school or district is confident that they meet all components, creating a document that can be used publicly to show compliance. "Tool 3" is a resource library to support the process.
WASCD recommends that districts or schools who are not using one of the four recommended materials as approved by the Joint Finance Committee use this resource or create their own similar documentation to show how required components are being met. This will aid in answering internal and external questions that may arise. As a reminder, schools and districts are not required to adopt one of the resources off the recommended list. However, schools and districts are required to meet the instructional components indicated in the law.
Visit Wisconsin Reads, a DPI site, for more information. In addition, WASCD's Act 20 Resource Page will have continued updates.
March 13, 2024 Update
As an update to Act 20's recommended curriculum, the four recommended curriculum approved by the Joint Finance Committee are: CKLA by Amplify, EL by Open Up Resources, Wit and Wisdom with Geodes and Really Great Reading, and Bookworms by Open Up Resources. You can read more on the story in the media, including at Wisconsin Public Radio. A reminder that these are recommended curricula and not mandatory for use. However, only those on the approved list will be eligible for reimbursement via grants authorized in Act 20. This grant will reimburse up to 50% of the cost of materials (reimbursements will be prorated based on reimbursement requests).
WASCD recommends that school districts who will not be using a recommended curriculum next year prepare a description of how they are meeting the requirements of curriculum in Act 20. Tools will be shared in the coming weeks to support schools and districts in doing so. The DPI's page,, is continually updated with information.
WASCD will provide a more holistic update later this Spring to ensure districts have the information necessary to plan for the 2024-2025 SY.
Feb 20, 2024 Update
The Early Literacy Curriculum Council, established by Act 20 of 2023, has submitted a recommended list of K-3 curriculum resources to the Joint Finance Committee for review within the timeline posed in the law. In addition, the WI Department of Public Instruction has submitted a recommended list prepared independently from the council. The legislative committee has 14 days to approve a list. This may mean approving one of the two lists provided or creating an alternate list. More information can be found in this press release from the DPI.
It should be noted that none of the lists are final until approved by the legislative body. If districts wish to pursue the curriculum reimbursement grants available from Act 20, they must come from the approved recommended list. However, the approved list will be recommended and not mandatory. For districts who use a resource(s) that does not end up on the final approved list, there will be a tool shared in the coming weeks to help you do an internal evaluation of the resource(s) to determine if you are meeting the requirements of the law or if you need to make adjustments.
If you need more information on this legislation, please visit the DPI page or view our webinar recording. Please look for upcoming learning and collaboration opportunities from Wisconsin ASCD that will be advertised for later this Spring.
Summer 2023
Act 20 initiates a statewide adherence to science-based early literacy instruction to address low reading proficiency across the state. The law modifies existing statutes and creates two new entities that specify the types of reading curriculum and instruction that schools receiving public funding must provide to pupils in grades kindergarten to 3.
A lot of this seems confusing and we understand that support is needed. WASCD partnered with DPI to bring more information to light through an hour long webinar. You can watch the recorded webinar below and click the button to follow along with DPI's slides.
If you have any additional questions, please reach out to DPI at or visit their website at DPI - Wisconsin Reads.