Position Statements
To sustain a visible, proactive voice in education, Wisconsin ASCD studies current issues that affect education in Wisconsin. The Influence Committee selects specific issues for association direction and action. The Committee formulates position statements which are research-based, compatible with the mission, vision and beliefs of ASCD and WASCD, and are approved by the Wisconsin ASCD Board of Directors. Current positions are shared with members through the WASCD website and publications (Highlighter and eBriefs).
Members of Wisconsin ASCD use these position statements with state and federal legislators to inform legislative issues. They are also intended for use in school districts to inform parents, school boards and staff about important legislative issues that affect Wisconsin schools and educators.
At times, the Committee decides to alert WASCD members about opportunities to influence legislation by contacting their legislators. Usually these alerts come in the form of an eBrief or special e-mail notice. Other than a meeting or phone call, the next most effective way to influence legislation is through an e-mail to your legislators. Use the Locate Your Legislators tool to find their e-mail addresses and let them know your concerns.
To stay informed on national issues, join ASCD's Educator Advocates to receive a weekly e-mail about what is happening in Washington DC and around the country. Their weekly e-mail is another free resource from ASCD that you can use in your own organization.
Global Education Certification (July 2013)
State Flexibility Waivers (February 2013)
Transforming Education in Wisconsin (April 2011)
AB 446 (Fall 2021)