Policies & Bylaws


Wis­con­sin ASCD does not dis­crim­i­nate in its mem­ber­ship accord­ing to age, race, color, ances­try, gen­der, sex­ual ori­en­ta­tion, gen­der iden­tity, mar­i­tal sta­tus, reli­gion, creed, national or eth­nic ori­gin, polit­i­cal beliefs or affil­i­a­tion, or disability.

Code of Ethics

Wis­con­sin ASCD’s mis­sion can only be real­ized through a com­mon code of ethics upheld by the Board of Direc­tors.

  • We expect integrity, hon­esty and trust­wor­thi­ness in our work; courage in our deci­sions; and ded­i­ca­tion to WASCD’s val­ues and beliefs.

  • We expect respon­si­ble action on behalf of the orga­ni­za­tion and are account­able and trans­par­ent to our mem­bers and to one another. We share infor­ma­tion when appro­pri­ate with­out sac­ri­fic­ing confidentiality.

  • We expect to be treated and to treat oth­ers with respect. We respect the opin­ions of and the dif­fer­ences among individuals.

  • We expect our actions to demon­strate our care for oth­ers and the com­mu­nity. We sup­port each other in a humane man­ner. We care about the well-​being of each other, the com­mu­nity and WASCD.

Program Cancellations

WASCD reserves the right to can­cel or move any pro­gram with noti­fi­ca­tion to reg­is­tered par­tic­i­pants. In the event of a can­cel­la­tion all reg­is­trants will be noti­fied as soon as pos­si­ble and receive full refunds.


Refunds will be issued for reg­is­tra­tion fees less a $25 pro­cess­ing fee.

  • A request for a refund must be made in writ­ing at least 3 busi­ness days before the pro­gram. If a reg­is­trant noti­fies WASCD by phone, they will be asked to fax or e-​mail the request includ­ing where and to whom the refund should be sent.

  • Refunds will be made only to the party issu­ing the pay­ment. (i.e. if the per­son reg­is­tered with a pur­chase order, the refund will be issued to the school, not an individual).

  • No refunds are given 3 busi­ness days prior to or any­time after a program.

  • Sub­sti­tutes are welcome.

Social Media

Face­book enables WASCD to cir­cu­late resources, engage mem­bers and share infor­ma­tion within the con­text of a glob­ally dis­trib­uted con­ver­sa­tion. With that in mind, it is impor­tant for guest con­trib­u­tors to under­stand what is rec­om­mended and expected.

Posts on the WASCD Face­book page may not be used to solicit com­mer­cial ven­tures, reli­gious or polit­i­cal causes, out­side orga­ni­za­tions, or other non-​WASCD related solic­i­ta­tions.

  • Guest con­trib­u­tors must adhere to the WASCD mis­sion state­ment and vision when post­ing. All posts must directly fur­ther the mis­sion and vision.

  • Guest con­trib­u­tors are pro­hib­ited from post­ing mate­r­ial that may be con­strued as dis­crim­i­na­tion or harass­ment based on race, eth­nic­ity, color, national ori­gin, reli­gion, sex, sex­ual ori­en­ta­tion, age, polit­i­cal views, dis­abil­ity, or any other legally pro­tected char­ac­ter­is­tic. Con­trib­u­tors are sim­i­larly pro­hib­ited from engag­ing in per­sonal insults or other defam­a­tory behav­ior, as well as from post­ing obscene content.

  • WASCD will not engage in polit­i­cal dis­cus­sions that appear to endorse a par­tic­u­lar can­di­date or polit­i­cal party. If your per­sonal opin­ion dif­fers from the association’s stated offi­cial posi­tion papers, you must pref­ace the post with “In my per­sonal opinion.”

  • Guest con­trib­u­tors must abide by intel­lec­tual prop­erty and copy­right laws and are pro­hib­ited from copy­ing copy­righted mate­r­ial with­out express writ­ten con­sent of the owner.

  • Guest con­trib­u­tors must abide by anti-​trust laws, and must not dis­cuss any items falling within the realm of com­pet­i­tive prac­tices, such as cur­rent or future prices or charges; dis­counts for cash pay­ments; terms of ser­vice; pro­duc­tiv­ity rates; profit lev­els; credit terms; or refusal to deal with a par­tic­u­lar third-​party payor or vendor.

  • Guest con­trib­u­tors must not write about, post pic­tures of, or oth­er­wise refer to any mem­ber, ven­dor, sup­plier, busi­ness col­lab­o­ra­tor or com­peti­tor with­out his or her permission.

Political Activity Policy Statement

It is the pol­icy of Wis­con­sin ASCD to com­ply with IRS reg­u­la­tions that restrict its direct or indi­rect par­tic­i­pa­tion or inter­ven­tion in any polit­i­cal cam­paign activ­i­ties in sup­port of or oppo­si­tion to can­di­dates for elec­tive pub­lic office at any level. Lim­i­ta­tions and pro­hi­bi­tions include but are not lim­ited to the fol­low­ing:

  • Wis­con­sin ASCD rep­re­sen­ta­tives will not make par­ti­san com­ments in offi­cial orga­ni­za­tion pub­li­ca­tions or at offi­cial functions.

  • Wis­con­sin ASCD will not dis­trib­ute state­ments pre­pared by oth­ers that favor or oppose a candidate.

  • The Wis­con­sin ASCD web­site will not be linked to other web­sites that deliver par­ti­san or polit­i­cal messages.

  • If can­di­dates appear at Wis­con­sin ASCD func­tions, equal oppor­tu­nity must be offered to all oppos­ing can­di­dates and the Wis­con­sin ASCD must specif­i­cally state its “no endorse­ment” pol­icy for each can­di­date. If can­di­dates appear at a Wis­con­sin ASCD func­tion, for other than polit­i­cal rea­sons, there should be no men­tion of the individual’s can­di­dacy or the upcom­ing elec­tion and the reason/​capacity for the individual’s appear­ance should be clearly indicated.


Adver­tis­ing and spon­sor­ship from pro­pri­etary enti­ties will be accepted by WASCD for the pur­poses of adver­tis­ing and spon­sor­ship of pro­grams and pub­li­ca­tions, exclud­ing the High­lighter.

  • The adver­tise­ment or spon­sor­ship shall pro­mote a pro­gram, prod­uct or ser­vice which rea­son­ably can be expected to be of inter­est to WASCD members.

  • Exhibitor pre­sen­ta­tions are oppor­tu­ni­ties for you to learn about prod­ucts, tech­nolo­gies and ser­vices from a com­mer­cially affil­i­ated indi­vid­ual or organization.

These pre­sen­ta­tions may be based on or include pro­pri­etary infor­ma­tion and prod­ucts. We value these busi­ness part­ners and thank them for their sup­port of the conference.

Board Membership

Mem­bers of the WASCD Board of Direc­tors must have held mem­ber­ship in WASCD for one year before self-​nomination to the Board.