2024 Fall Conference

Save the date: Oct 17th-18th, 2024


Robyn R. Jackson

Oshkosh Waterfront Hotel

 1 North Main Street, Oshkosh, WI 54901

New Registration System Announcement & Instructions

WASCD will no longer be utilizing the MyQuickReg registration system as it will no longer be in operation after June 30, 2024. All WASCD events will now be set up in our new registration system, Neon One, starting on July 1, 2024. 

We encourage all users to set up their Neon One account prior to July 1st for a smooth transition. Account creation only takes a few minutes and will help streamline the event registration process down the road. 

To create a Neon One account, please:

    1. Fill in and submit the Account Registration Form by clicking here*

    2. Check your email for the confirmation and to set up a password and access your account 

*Please note that the link above will take you to the CESA 9 Neon One homepage. WASCD is partnering with CESA 9 to streamline this new registration system, so you are in the correct place.

If you need assistance with the account registration process, please contact us by email office@wascd.org.

We thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition process and we look forward to another year of being able to serve you! 

WASCD Conference Rates & Registration:

Early Bird Pricing (before July 31, 2024)

Regular Pricing (after July 31, 2024)

Tentative Schedule:

Thursday, October 17th

7:30-9:00 - Registration

8:00-8:45 - "0" Hour Sessions

9:00-10:30 - Keynote Workshop Part I

Vendor Break

10:50-11:50 - Breakout Session I

11:50-12:50 - Lunch Provided

12:50-1:50 - Breakout Session II

Vendor Break

2:10-2:30 - WASCD General Session & Instructional Leader of the Year Announcement

2:30-3:30 - Keynote Workshop Part II

3:45-6:00 - The Famous WASCD Social (Live music, raffles, appetizers, cash bar)

Friday, October 18th

7:30-8:00 - Annual Membership Meeting (Optional)

7:30-8:30 - Breakfast and Registration

8:30-9:30 - Breakout III

Vendor Break

9:50-11:15 - Closing Keynote

Lunch on October 17th and Breakfast on October 18th are included in the registration cost.

Sessions & Descriptions

October 17th: "0 Hour" Session ~ Curriculum Focus
Boundaries: Implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Trials and Leveraging Technology for Inclusive Learning
JoAnn Miller from CESA 8 & Mike Wanniger from Anitgo School District

Discover the transformative power of UDL trials in education, amplified by technology. See how this approach boosts student engagement and academic progress, fostering collective efficacy among educators. Learn how teams effectively use UDL and tech for data collection, analysis, and professional growth. Take away practical tools for collaborative UDL implementation, empowering positive change and student success.

Confidence in our UDL trials' effectiveness stems from tangible improvements seen statewide and positive feedback from educators. Student engagement increased from 43% to 73% (baseline to trial 2) on a 4-point scale across all indicator students in 9 schools. For students with IEPs, it rose from 33% to 67%. Academic progress mirrored these gains. Initial academic observations rated 3 or 4 were 18% for all students, 16% for those with IEPs, with a 14-22% range across proficiency levels. In trial 2, these figures reached: 59% for all students, 43% for IEP students, with proficiency levels ranging from 46-84%. 60% of educators in UDL trials now feel confident or expert in the practices tried.

October 17th: "0 Hour" Session ~ Leadership Focus
When Things Get Personal, Don't Take It Personally
Dr. Rainey Briggs, Superintendent of the Baraboo School District

Superintendent Dr. Rainey Briggs for an impactful and insightful 60-minute session designed to empower educators, administrators, students, and community members to effectively respond to and recover from viral incidents. This presentation will draw from Dr. Briggs' personal experience with a recent, highly publicized incident, where he was pushed off the graduation stage by a parent. This act, widely perceived as racially motivated, garnered national attention and raised significant concerns about safety, race relations, and community cohesion. Dr. Briggs will share his reflections on the incident, its immediate and long-term impacts, and provide actionable strategies to foster healing and promote inclusivity within the school community.

October 17th: Keynote Workshop - Robyn Jackson
Is Success Possible for EVERY Child?

We all SAY we believe that every child can succeed but do we really? Does our staff? Do our students? Unfortunately, the answer is often no. Every year, we accept that some students won't make it and we settle for "good enough." But what is "good enough" doing to your staff's capacity to take on more challenge and ownership of the work? What message is it sending to your students? And, what is it doing to your own motivation? The good news is that there is a better way. In this keynote presentation, discover how to conquer the obstacles that keep us and our teachers from believing that EVERY child can be successful and discover how to build a 100% culture where every staff member has the capacity to help 100% of your students achieve success.  

October 17th: Breakout Session I ~ Curriculum Focus
Lead and Teach Happier
Dr. Amy LaPierre & Dr. Sheila Kohl, West De Pere School District 

Being happy both at home and at work means we're not just cheerier, but more clear-eyed and effective at what we do.  But happiness takes practice and ongoing contemplation.  In this session, you'll learn that small shifts bring big gifts:  that is, small positive changes, practiced over time, will help you feel more balanced, content and aligned both in your professional and in your personal life.  Based on the book Teach Happier by Suzanne Dailey, the strategies and real life examples presented in this sectional from both a leadership position and the classroom will have a positive impact on your own well-being and the well-being of those with whom you work

October 17th: Breakout Session I ~ Leadership Focus
Transformative Instructional Technology
Ryan Ruggles, Superintendent, Tomorrow River 

Description Coming Soon!

October 17th: Breakout Session I ~ Instructional Practices Focus
Justice is Found in the Details of Teaching and Learning
Adam Broten, N. Fond du Lac, Director of Teaching & Learning 

Does equity work and teaching and learning work need to be in separate silos?  What if you can address inequities and student learning outcomes gaps through teaching and learning?  This session will explore one of the most equitable practices we can use in our schools: giving all students routine access to grade-level text and tasks.  We'll review the research that supports this approach, dive into a universal planning process to ensure access for all students, and explore instructional strategies for how to execute this in Math, ELA, and all content area classrooms.

October 17th: Breakout Session I ~ General Focus
Failsafe Feedback: How to give teachers feedback without pushback, hurt feelings, or blank stares
Robyn Jackson 

Blank stares. Polite smiles. Active resistance and pushback ... you've seen it all. And although you've read all the "How to have tough conversations" books, you still haven't been able to crack the code on how to give feedback that every teacher will not only welcome, but immediately implement. In this interactive session, discover the biggest feedback mistakes leaders make, and learn how to give honest feedback to teachers without causing resistance, hurt feelings, or downright apathy. Find out what you must do differently when giving feedback to struggling teachers versus proficient teachers and how you have to adjust your feedback to meet the needs of master teachers. You'll walk away with specific tools and examples you can use to plan your own feedback with the teachers you support so that you can help every teacher you serve show tangible growth this school year.

October 17th: Breakout Session II ~ Leadership Focus
Strategies for Ramping up the Bottom Quartile for All Learners
Shelly Daun, Menasha, Curriculum Director 

Description Coming Soon!

October 17th: Breakout Session II ~ Instructional Practices Focus
Big Book of Tools for RtI at Work
Rob Meyer, C&I Director of Beaver Dam 

In this session, participants will understand the foundational structure of the RTI at Work model. This model was founded by Mike Mattos, Austin Buffum, and Janet Malone with an emphasis on high-quality universal instruction for every student while also putting in place safety nets for those that may need more time and support. In addition to the overview of the structure, participants will gain an understanding of how key tools (agendas, structures, protocols) can be used to enhance the work. Rob Meyer co-authored the text used as a foundation for this session.

October 17th: Breakout Session II ~ General Focus
How to Help Every Teacher Grow One Level in One Domain in One Year or Less
Robyn Jackson

Let's be honest. Most of the supports leaders offer teachers don't provide the tangible growth we are looking for. In this session, you'll discover the "support traps" that prevent leaders from helping all teachers grow each year. Then, you'll learn how Builders provide teachers with differentiated, developmental, and deliberate support that helps EVERY teacher you serve grow at least one level in one critical domain this school year. Plus you'll find out how to leverage the 8 types of Support to help every teacher get the support they need most -- without wearing yourself out in the process.

October 17th: Keynote Workshop Part 2 - Robyn Jackson
Stop Leading, Start Building

You're doing everything "right" -- poring over data, getting into classrooms, launching new initiatives, setting ambitious goals for your school. So, why is it that no matter how hard you work, the gains in student achievement still seem so far away?  The problem isn't you. It's how you were trained. In this session, find out how to escape the "school improvement hamster wheel" and finally create the school you, your teachers, and your students deserve. Instead of continuing to work harder, chasing tiny incremental gains, and facing tons of pushback, you'll discover the exact steps you need to take to get your entire staff aligned around a single purpose,  grow the will and skill of your teachers, choose the right course of action for your school right now, and see dramatic improvements in student outcomes THIS school year -- and you'll learn how to accomplish all of this with the people and resources you have right now.  

The Famous WASCD Social!
October 17th: 3:45-6:00 PM

This is where instructional leaders network!
Enjoy live music, appetizers, great company and a cash bar.
In addition, you will have the opportunity to mingle with our vendors in this relaxed setting.

October 18th: Breakout Session III ~ Curriculum Focus
Tackling the New Screener - Using the Data
Eric Larsen, CESA 6

Description Coming Soon!

October 18th: Breakout Session III ~ Instructional Practices Focus
Evidence-Based Grading (in Secondary Schools)
Kelly Ryder

Description Coming Soon!

October 18th: Breakout Session III ~ Instructional Practices Focus
Learning Walks: Identifying Strengths and Areas for Development to Systematically Help Teachers Improve Their Practice
Dianna Kresovic, CESA 6 & Oconomowoc School District

Description Coming Soon!

October 18th: Closing Keynote - Sarah Johnson
Going Beyond Work-Life Balance

Description Coming Soon!

Thank you to our 2023 Fall Conference Vendors!